Lifeline Trinidad & Tobago

Contact Person: Lucy Gabriel
Availability: 24/7
Service Cost: FREE
Address: P.O. Bag 764


Helpline Contact Numbers:


We befriend the despairing and suicidal through our helpline. Our main aim is to be available 24/7 to all those passing through an emotional crisis and in imminent danger of taking their own lives. You are guaranteed anonymity and confidentiality. More information on our services, principles and practices can be found on our website:

Population(s) Served: Children, Adolescents, Adults, Family, Chronic Medical Conditions, Violence, Substance and Alcohol Use, Special Education, Disability and Special Needs, School Based Health, Organizations/Workplace Interventions, Migrant Populations

Availability: 24/7

Service Cost: FREE

Helpline Contact Numbers:

  • 800-5588
  • 866-5433
  • 220-3636